git stash
git stash
temporarily saves changes that are not ready for commit. It's useful when you need to switch branches or deal with unexpected issues.
Usage Example:
git stash # Temporarily saves changes
git stash pop
git stash pop
applies the latest stash and removes it from the stash list. It's a convenient way to reapply changes after addressing other tasks.
Usage Example:
git stash pop # Applies the latest stash and removes it
git revert
git revert
creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a specific commit. It's a safe way to undo changes without altering the project's commit history.
Usage Example:
git revert <commit_hash> # Creates a new commit to undo changes
git rebase
git rebase
is used to rewrite commit history. It moves, combines, or deletes commits, providing a cleaner and more linear history.
Usage Example:
git rebase <base_branch> # Rebases the current branch onto the specified branch
git reset
git reset
moves the branch pointer to a specific commit, discarding changes after that commit. It's a powerful command that should be used with caution.
Usage Example:
git reset <commit_hash> # Resets the branch to a specific commit
git clean
git clean
removes untracked files from the working directory. It helps keep your project clean by getting rid of files that aren't being tracked by Git.
Usage Example:
git clean -n # Shows a preview of files to be deleted git clean -f # Deletes untracked files
git reflog
git reflog
shows a log of all changes to branch references, including resets and rebases. It helps recover lost commits or branches.
Usage Example:
git reflog # Shows a log of branch reference changes
- Squashing commits means combining multiple commits into a single commit. This is often done during an interactive rebase or when merging branches to create a cleaner and more concise history.
Usage Example:
Squashing commits during an interactive rebase:
git rebase -i HEAD~<number_of_commits>
Marking commits with "squash" or "s" allows you to combine them.